Monday, September 23, 2013

Artist Of The Week - Alyssa Bernal

I needed a reminder why I started this and last night a good friend seen that and was quick to remind me. Sometimes we all get discouraged and having friends like I do lets me know I'm fighting for something real. I want to dedicate this blog to my California family. You taught me so much and even when it gets bad you remind me to believe in myself. Thank you! ~Christina

I hope everyone is having a great day *sings* because I am! (Hence the video) If you played the video above then you can clearly see why I have named Alyssa Bernal as "Artist of the Week". I love artists that do recordings where it's just them singing, no instruments/beats, no auto tune, nothing; just their voice. It allows the listeners to really hear the artist and gain a true appreciation for their craft. 
Alyssa is one of my top favorite female vocalists out right now. She has such an amazing range and incredible control over her sound. I first heard about her about two years ago. This was about the time Pharrell Williams was getting a buzz around his new movement/label/brand 'i am OTHER'. He signed several artists, Bernal being one of them. I decided to check her out and searched her on YouTube. I scrolled through all of her videos and stopped when I seen this one:
I love the song "Showstopper" and she did a beautiful job covering it. I was instantly a fan. Over the past two years I have continued to watch and listen to this young artist as she grows musically. She has her own style and has yet to let the industry change who she is. I can appreciate and respect that in an artist, it's rare. Bernal is one of those artists I regularly check to see if she has posted any new videos to YouTube or posted new music to iTunes. So, I was ecstatic to see that she was working with a band that my sister and I consider Street Noise family. That band is The New Velvet and the combination of these two on one track is just eargasmic....yeah I said eargasmic, don't judge me! The harmonies are so incredible and some of the songs they have done together are covers, but they manage to put their own flare on it and make it theirs.

Alyssa Bernal & The New Velvet - Heart Attack (Demi Lovato Cover)

Alyssa Bernal & The New Velvet - Peaches and Coffee (Original Song)

I can't wait to see what Alyssa puts out next. I feel like she is just getting started and people will be talking about this girl for a long time. True talent never fades and she is truly talented. I hope you all check out the videos and links I am posting below. Check her out and see what else she has coming for her fans. I hope you guys enjoyed this and found some awesome new music from Alyssa. ~Christina Peace

Alyssa Bernal - Uh Oh! (Stacy this is the song I want to design a nail polish for!)

Alyssa Bernal - ROAR (katy Perry Cover)

Allysa Bernal, Andy Lange & Josh Golden - Treasure (Bruno Mars Cover)







Thanks for checking out the blog. I hope you all enjoyed this weeks pick. If you would like me to hear your music or the music of someone you think should be Artist Of The Week leave me links in the comments below or Email me at I'm also on Twitter @ImTeamOther (Personal) or @StreetNoiseTeam (Blog) 
Peace, Love & Music ~Christina Peace

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